This summer I got to travel through the Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria and Italy spotting caravans and portraying the owners of campings at beautiful locations. I saw rivers, plants I had never seen before, mountains so large that I felt like a dust particle and great at the same time, camping owners with so many different kinds of life and of course, hundreds of caravan travellers.
This work I realised together with a writer and all this articles and pictures for the magazine Caravannen, which you can find at the Kiosks in The Netherlands or order a subscription online.
I got to see so many things and heard so many stories of couples and families that left the city to live next to the river. I cannot share the pictures yet but I am quite excited to see them printed next to a beautiful story of the writers. The magazine prints about 20 000 per edition and I wish one of them gets into our hands.

See ya!