Creative Direction

I have been involved in the media and the creative industry for about 10 years, mostly through my work as photographer and my previous education. During this job I got to work with many professional models, actors, cinematographers, producers, musicians, editors, venue owners, publishers, creative & marketing agencies, make up, hair, style, graffiti, digital and all sorts of artists. I work with people with experience and talent because my current clients are companies searching for the best results. My network is located not only in The Netherlands but worldwide.
Sometimes my clients need more than my photographic services but access to a reliable network without being dependent on all sort of agencies in between. This is where I listen to their concept or brainstorm with them and look back into the list of people I have worked with and did a great job or ask within my own reliable network. Like this, we build a theme, a team and organise around it to create.